

Returns a list of services, and associated configuration options, for publishing new messages on your social profiles.

Note: The action_links property of a mention contains a "link" (type "api" with eg. key "reply") that has the parameters for this API call prefilled.

Note 2: We cannot expose real publishing functionality in our API per third-party terms of service agreements (eg. Twitter Api Rules), so only creating drafts, or queueing messages for approval is exposed to non-Engagor applications.

Required Access Token Scope


GET Parameters

Param Description Required Default Value
type The type of action you want to do. To publish a new tweet or message use 'post', other options include 'reply' (eg. Twitter replies), 'privatemessage', 'comment' (eg. Facebook comments), 'like', 'favorite', 'retweet', 'reblog', 'submit' (Tumblr). No
topic_id The topic's id of the mention you want to reply to. No
mention_id The id of the mention you want to reply to. No


Object with:

  • a list of possible services to post to (including details about the rights for that profile, the displayname and avatar of the profile, and whether or not certain features like photo uploading are available or not),
  • some configuration options regarding the message's length, cursor position, default text
  • and, if applicable, details of the mention you're reply to.
(See examples below.)


List profiles to publish a new post with

List services to reply to a mention with



Publishes a new message to one or more social profiles (or creates drafts and sends messages for approval).

Note: The action_links property of a mention contains a "link" (type "api" with eg. key "reply") that has the parameters for this API call prefilled.

Note 2: Directly publishing a reply is possible for private messages only but requires your API application to be allow-listed for this. Please reach out to your CSM with a detailed use case to obtain this functionality.

Note 3: For public publishing & public replies only creating drafts or sending messages for approval is allowed via this endpoint. We cannot expose real publishing functionality in our API per third-party terms of service agreements (eg. Twitter Api Rules), so only creating drafts, or queueing messages for approval is exposed.

Required Access Token Scope


POST Parameters

Param Description Required Default Value
type The type of action you want to do. To publish a new tweet or message use 'post', other options include 'reply' (eg. Twitter replies), 'privatemessage', 'comment' (eg. Facebook comments), 'like', 'favorite', 'retweet', 'reblog', 'submit' (Tumblr). Yes
services A JSON encoded array of items with properties 'type' and 'service_id'. One or more services you want to publish to (any of the services retrieved by GET /:account_id/publisher/add). Eg. '[{"type":"facebook","service_id":"999999999999"}]' Yes
to For emails only: A JSON encoded array of items with property 'id'. Eg. '[{"id":"[email protected]"},{"id":"[email protected]"}]' No
subject For emails only: The text of the subject to post. No
message The text of the message to post. Typically required, unless a canned_response_id is provided (then we'll take the default message defined in the canned response if none provided), or when media is attached. No
status The status the message will be in (possible values are 'draft', 'awaitingapproval' or empty '' for direct publishing). No
date_publish ISO 8601 formatted date to publish the item. (Leave empty for 'now'.) No
topic_id Topic id of the mention you're replying to, retweeting... No
mention_id Id of the mention you're replying to, retweeting... No
media A JSON encoded array of the ids returned from the media/add endpoint. No
canned_response_id Id of a canned response (The id is required for canned responses of the type CSAT, NPS® or Buttons). If the id is given, the number of usages will increase. If you use a canned response, the message of the response should be given in the message field and images should be added to the media field. No


An object contain both an array of message items and the publisher_mention item that was just created.


Creating a draft for a Facebook post

Sending a Twitter reply for approval

Replying on an email

Replying to a private message

Sending a CSAT question to a user.

Replying with media